XML Parser (HTML to Blogger Converter)
XML Parser is a tool which Google Adsense code can be added into the body of Blogger Templates. Parse Google Adsense and anything else For XML Blogger, Copy and Paste your Google Adsense or other code to the textbox belowPlease keep in mind that this tool should only be used to add Google Adsense into your Blogger XML Template, any other edit made to Adsense is prohibited and we will not be responsible for the consequences.
The parsed code result will be automatically display on the textarea below after you press the "parse" button.
Start Converting Now!
Insert the HTML code you want to parse to the XML code on the text area below!
(Click on the result code, CTRL + A, copy and paste into your blogger template.)
What is XML?
XML is a markup language just like HTML, but without the fixed format. A markup language provides words and tags that describe a document and identify the pieces.HTML is about presentation while XML works to store and transport structured data. All XML files follow some basic rules for syntax and form. The simplicity of the language allows the author to develop a structure that focuses on the data with customized element tags. XML improves the functionality of the Internet by providing files that are flexible and adaptable.
By itself, XML does not display data. That is not the purpose of the language. XML is a box that makes the data portable and accessible. In order to display the information contained in an XML document, you must create formatting instructions.